Foster Animation is a 2D animation & illustration studio run by Michael K. Foster. Michael is dedicated to promoting Family Oriented Content through the exciting & fun medium of cartoon animation & illustration.
From full length animated episodes to short format info-animations, Michael has done it all. He’s provided illustrations for magazine articles and children’s books. Michael has over 25 years work experience in graphic design, illustration, character design & animation. He has experience working as an Art Director in the Licensing world handling various properties for clients such as Disney, Nickelodeon, WB, Marvel as well as the NFL & NBA.
In 2013, Michael co-created Minimum Wage, an original cartoon that combined animated cartoons with live action actors. It was Optioned and further developed by Atomic Cartoons in Vancouver Canada. See below for the pitch video created by Atomic Cartoons.
Foster Animation Sizzle Reel